Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Confidence Boost!

Do you ever felt awesome? I mean, felt like you are the best person on earth? Just beamed with self confidence?

I don't remember when I did that last? I don't remember the last time I felt awesome.. And u know what, I hate it! I wanna feel like I'm an amazing human being and that my friends are lucky to have me! Why you may ask? Because I would STOP doubting myself constantly and stop wondering about what everybody else think. I would just live my life, without those worries. I mean, there so much other issues to worry about so why add those thoughts too the plate?

Just had a horrible exam today, and once again I'm doubting if I'm clever enough to finish I hate it! I wanna finish an exam and think that I'll do it next time! And think that my brain do have the capacity to learn this and to it 10 times better!!

Dear God! Please boost my confidence or help a guy invent a pill that will!

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I'm 20 and currently studying in Hungary. My life evolves around friends, family, singing and studying! Me as an individual: stubborn, happy, friendly, social,crazy