Monday, April 25, 2011

Medical Doctor in 5 years!

So I'm currently studying General Medicine in Debrecen, Hungary. In a 5 year period I'll be a medical doctor! Can't wait! Been down here in Hungary for a year now, and it has truly been an experience! 

I'm from Drammen, Norway, so Hungary is completely different. The culture, weather, food, language, EVERYTHING! What u need to understand is that Hungary can't be compared to any other place! The amount of people that speek english is almost 0%. So it's really hard to function.. Their language is complicated stuff, so that's not easy to learn! The food is mostly bad quality, compared to Norway. Because, the don't have that many farms and has no cost line.

In the beginning I really hated the place! I think it was because I left Norway when everything was perfect and I missed my friends! Now, I'm starting to enjoy the place. The weather is perfect!! Not to warm, and not to cold. And I have gotten some new friends, that I treasure! They are crazy people, but thats how I like it! It is a challenge not living in your home country, but like Barney Stinson say "Challenge Accepted!"


  1. Wow! How amazing! I'm too scared to even move to a different city, let alone move to a whole different country with a whole different culture. Kudos to you, and I wish you lots of luck. And I hope everything goes well in your journey to becoming a doctor. I want to be a doctor too :)

  2. Aa, Thanks :D It's extremely scary moving, but worth it in the end :P Good luck with becoming a doctor to! ;)

  3. Oh, what a nice blog! I finally got through and I must say that I am quite impressed by your work! :D You are a great inspiartion to me and hopefully, I will go in your tracks in 1 1/2 years ;)


About Me

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I'm 20 and currently studying in Hungary. My life evolves around friends, family, singing and studying! Me as an individual: stubborn, happy, friendly, social,crazy