Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How much I miss them!

Emma, 4 months
In 17 days I'm going home (Norway)  for 2 days because my niese, Emma is getting baptised! The plane tickets are almost paid for, just have to double check some details.

I'm soo looking forward to see her and my familiy! I miss them so much!!  I have only seen Emma 3 times, when I was home during christmas. She is now 4 months and some days old and she has changed a lot! Her face and her personality is completely changed! My family keep calling my and telling my stories about her. How she always stop mumbling and listen carefully, when my brother plays Waka Waka on his computer. Staring at a picture of her everyday now! Just can't wait to see her cute face <3

Q: Do u have anyone u miss?


  1. Aww! She's adorable! Look at her little expression! I love it when babies' personalities come out in their faces :) Too cute.

    Hm, someone I miss. I used to have a lot of people, but time is starting to help...I mostly miss the past, you know? Like, I don't miss the people anymore because they're so different now, but I miss the way things used to be. Does that make sense?


  2. Yeah, I know that feeling.. Missing the past :) I hate it, though!


About Me

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I'm 20 and currently studying in Hungary. My life evolves around friends, family, singing and studying! Me as an individual: stubborn, happy, friendly, social,crazy