Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Clean your life!

Even though It's almost summer, it's still room for Spring Cleaning! When I say spring cleaning, I mean spring cleaning your life! It takes a bunch of motivation, but the result is worth it! It'a all about making a fresh start, it's what easter is all about?

1. Get rid of your frenemies
We all have friends that we don't even like, but we still keep them! Why? Maybe u just need to feel popular or you don't like having enemies. Anyway, get rid of them! Thinking about them will only give u negative energy, that you don't need!

2. Take care of yourself! 
Use your body! Work out! Even though it's hard to get started it's worth it! Fitness = happiness! A key step is also to pamper yourself! Take a loooong nice bath once a week! Belive me, I know it's hard.. But everyone needs to learn how to relax!

3. Let go of the past!
We all like to have a grudge! Think about what we have done wrong. What our friends have done wrong.. What we don't have.. Don't use energy on it! It's a waste of time and it does not make you feel better! We need to let go, so we can start fresh! Personally I like to be mad at myself, after an exam that has gone bad. I wish I did'nt ;) So let's do it together, let go!

Other small tips:
- Turn of media: use an hour a week to not use any gadgets from tv to ipod.
- Don't worry: Don't think about tomorrow!
- Be grateful: Appreciate all the positive things!
- Don't use facebook: Just try it for a day! I swear it's liberating!!

Song to go with this text:
"The Fray- Happiness" -

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I'm 20 and currently studying in Hungary. My life evolves around friends, family, singing and studying! Me as an individual: stubborn, happy, friendly, social,crazy