Thursday, September 1, 2011

True Blood, Smørbukk and CNN

So I´m finally in Hungary, Debrecen. Feels really weird saying finally, it´s such a positive word. And the only positive thing about being here is the weather! 25 degrees instead of the 14 agrees in Norway.

SO what am I doing now? Watching True Blood, eating Norwegian fudge (smørbukk) and playing CNN in the background.

So I´m posting my current favorite song. I just love it! It´s about enjoying life, and having a blast while living it! I find it so hard now a days to enjoy and not be sad..

Just love it! Summer tune of 2011!

Hugs and Kisses!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ASOS Fashion Finder

So yesterday I discovered ASOS fashion finder and I love it! A bunch of many different unique styles, and a bunch of cool ideas to what you should wear and combine!

So I´m going to give you guys a look at my first outfit! I can so see myself in it, a couple of pounds lighter!

My outfit consist of:
- "Retro Lunch Box" - Colour: LONDON
- "LOVE Aubergine Angel" One Shoulder Dress
- "Marc By Marc Jacobs" Reflective Lens Wayfarer Sunglasses
- "Benny Beige Coat"
- "ASOS HEIGHTS" Tie Back High Sandals
ASOS Leather Portfolio Clutch

So look me up at - "fashion finder" and search for my username Maggie<3

Hugs and Kisses!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Exams + Blog = Fail

Having an exam period blog break.. Which means that I am not allowing myself to update this blog when I have an exam period.. But I will be coming back strong, right after I pass my anatomy exam :) Studying intensive upper limb, lower and skull..  Glenohumeral ligament, Yey!  Wish me luck!

Loove this song! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yey! Music!

List ten musical artists BEFORE reading the following questions. Don't be lame and ruin it for yourself.

1. John Legend
2. The Fray
3. James Morrison
4. Talib Kweli
5. Coldplay
6. Muse
7. Ne-Yo
8. Michael Bublé 
9. Laura Izibor
10. Kanye West

1. What was the first song you ever heard by number six?
(Muse) I think it's "Unintended".

2. What is your favorite song by number eight?
(Michael Bublé) "Everything"

3. What kind of impact has number one had on your life?
Wow, a major impact.. Always loved that guy!

4. What is your favorite lyric by number five?
(Coldplay) "Fix you!" Definitly..

5. How many times have you seen number four in concert?
(Talib Kweli) Never, but so want to!

6. What is your favorite song by number seven?
(Ne-Yo) Right now, "Whats the matter with you?".. Hmm, changing my mind "Tonight" is pretty good as well!

7. Is there a song by number three that makes you sad?
(James Morrison) Nope, only happy songs.. Or the song "You make it real!" makes me miss what I don't have..

8. What is your favorite song by number nine?
(Laura Izibor) Shine!! or "If tonight is my last" :)
9. How did you first discover number two?
Through the song "How to save a life"..

10. How did you first discover number three?
(James Morrison) Don't remember.. Most likely thru televison..

11. What is your favorite song by number four?
(Talib Kweli) Hmm.. "We know" is pretty good!

12. Is there a song by number eight that makes you sad?
(Micheal Buble) "Lost" can be pretty sad, If I'm in the sad mood..

13. How many times have you seen number six live
(Muse) Only once, :(

14. What is your favorite song by number one?
(John Legend) Refuge( When t's cold outside..)

15. How did you become a fan of number ten?
(Kanye West) Thru my siblings.. During my childhood, they always played his songs.. So I'm a fan of his old stuff, because they bring memories!

<3 <3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Norway!

Happy Birthday Norway! It's our independence day today! Wish I was home, for the children parade, the ice creams, hot dogs, vafler and family. I'm making vafler later today, just to get some independence day feeling! Really want to be in Norway now, instead I'm sitting here in Hungary studying Anatomy!

A little videoclip about how we celebrate our independence day! Oh, There is no place like home!

Just ask questions about how we celebrate it!! We do it very different from other countries!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Make You Feel My Love

Love this song guys! I'm at a point in my life, when I really need someone to love! But I also need someone to love me! I just want to give away my heart! But unfortunately guys are not falling like flies around me..

Make You Feel My Love - Adele

<3 <3 <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Confidence Boost!

Do you ever felt awesome? I mean, felt like you are the best person on earth? Just beamed with self confidence?

I don't remember when I did that last? I don't remember the last time I felt awesome.. And u know what, I hate it! I wanna feel like I'm an amazing human being and that my friends are lucky to have me! Why you may ask? Because I would STOP doubting myself constantly and stop wondering about what everybody else think. I would just live my life, without those worries. I mean, there so much other issues to worry about so why add those thoughts too the plate?

Just had a horrible exam today, and once again I'm doubting if I'm clever enough to finish I hate it! I wanna finish an exam and think that I'll do it next time! And think that my brain do have the capacity to learn this and to it 10 times better!!

Dear God! Please boost my confidence or help a guy invent a pill that will!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer, beaches and shopping!

Gonna show you guys some bags/purses that reminds me of summer, beaches and shopping. The most perfect combination ever! All the bags are from, my favorite online shopping service!

River Island Tapestry Satchel
I just love this! The flowers on the bag gives it a summer and feminine touch! Can just picture myself wearing it with dark jeans and my favorite t-shirt. The prices of this bag is $66 or 381 kr. Think it's gonna be the first thing I buy from my summer paycheck! 

Check out this purse as well: 


Q: any favorite shopping page?


So I'm back in front of a computer, but only for a couple of hours. My amazing nabour, Parya is lending me her computer!! Thats why I'm updating my blog and writing 2 posts for you guys! This is number one :p My days now evolve around studying like crazy and sleeping! Hate it, but the summer holiday is here soon and that means: Norway, family and friends!!!! Can't wait :D

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little blog break!

So i have not blogged in a while because my computer is dead! It's in two pieces! The worst thing is that I can't afford a new one since I'm savingfor a macbook pro! And i will have enough in only 2 months..

Been studying hard now, because of myfinals coming up soon.. Hate it! But I just pray i will pass first year of med school.

I'll Be back!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Photo of the day!

I love looking at pictures/photos! So when I found out that there is a website called i became extremly happy.. From time to time, I just love going thru flickr and look for any interesting photos.. I'm gonna show u guys what I found today.. 

I just love this one! Something about it pulls me towards it.. Don't know why, but i'm captivated by it!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What I learned today..

That men see far less colors than women.. And colorblindness  is an X-linked disease, so far more men get colorblind that women. Ofcourse there are different kind of colorblindness..

How much I miss them!

Emma, 4 months
In 17 days I'm going home (Norway)  for 2 days because my niese, Emma is getting baptised! The plane tickets are almost paid for, just have to double check some details.

I'm soo looking forward to see her and my familiy! I miss them so much!!  I have only seen Emma 3 times, when I was home during christmas. She is now 4 months and some days old and she has changed a lot! Her face and her personality is completely changed! My family keep calling my and telling my stories about her. How she always stop mumbling and listen carefully, when my brother plays Waka Waka on his computer. Staring at a picture of her everyday now! Just can't wait to see her cute face <3

Q: Do u have anyone u miss?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Medical Doctor in 5 years!

So I'm currently studying General Medicine in Debrecen, Hungary. In a 5 year period I'll be a medical doctor! Can't wait! Been down here in Hungary for a year now, and it has truly been an experience! 

I'm from Drammen, Norway, so Hungary is completely different. The culture, weather, food, language, EVERYTHING! What u need to understand is that Hungary can't be compared to any other place! The amount of people that speek english is almost 0%. So it's really hard to function.. Their language is complicated stuff, so that's not easy to learn! The food is mostly bad quality, compared to Norway. Because, the don't have that many farms and has no cost line.

In the beginning I really hated the place! I think it was because I left Norway when everything was perfect and I missed my friends! Now, I'm starting to enjoy the place. The weather is perfect!! Not to warm, and not to cold. And I have gotten some new friends, that I treasure! They are crazy people, but thats how I like it! It is a challenge not living in your home country, but like Barney Stinson say "Challenge Accepted!"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Things I always have in my handbag!

I'm a girl that always has a BIG handbag! I love my handbag! I got everything I need there and hence it's always heavy! So what do I have in my bag? Here are some random stuff!

Love and Toast - Hand Cream Mandarin
Your hands smell delicious and they stay moist! Absolutly love it! Always have it in my bag!

Senor Peregrino- Cecilia Samartin
Love this book! I'm still reading it, so I can't tell u the final result! The book is in the Paulo Coelho genré, so I started to read it because of that..

Barry M Lipstick- Coral 
Need something to give my lips color!

Lip Balm- Agatha Ruiz Des Les Prada- Beaute Des Levrés
The lipstick does not always make your lips moist, so thats why I use this! I apply this on first, and then the lipstick.

Arizona - Green Tea w/ Ginseng and Honey
Love the whole company Arizona! But my favorite drink is this one! I'm addicted to this S*** :) When I finish up the drink, I use the beautiful glass bottle to store water.

Q: What do u have in your handbag?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Clean your life!

Even though It's almost summer, it's still room for Spring Cleaning! When I say spring cleaning, I mean spring cleaning your life! It takes a bunch of motivation, but the result is worth it! It'a all about making a fresh start, it's what easter is all about?

1. Get rid of your frenemies
We all have friends that we don't even like, but we still keep them! Why? Maybe u just need to feel popular or you don't like having enemies. Anyway, get rid of them! Thinking about them will only give u negative energy, that you don't need!

2. Take care of yourself! 
Use your body! Work out! Even though it's hard to get started it's worth it! Fitness = happiness! A key step is also to pamper yourself! Take a loooong nice bath once a week! Belive me, I know it's hard.. But everyone needs to learn how to relax!

3. Let go of the past!
We all like to have a grudge! Think about what we have done wrong. What our friends have done wrong.. What we don't have.. Don't use energy on it! It's a waste of time and it does not make you feel better! We need to let go, so we can start fresh! Personally I like to be mad at myself, after an exam that has gone bad. I wish I did'nt ;) So let's do it together, let go!

Other small tips:
- Turn of media: use an hour a week to not use any gadgets from tv to ipod.
- Don't worry: Don't think about tomorrow!
- Be grateful: Appreciate all the positive things!
- Don't use facebook: Just try it for a day! I swear it's liberating!!

Song to go with this text:
"The Fray- Happiness" -

For God so loved the world..

It's the days u spend alone that are the hardest! When u have to much time to think! That is when I start to doubt myself! Doubting what I can acheive, what I have done! When these days are here I try to renind myself of one thing:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

And today of ALL days, this could not fit more perfectly!

Seasons of love!

Sitting her in extremely sunny Debrecen, Hungary and noticing that my mood is soo much better!! Sun does miracles! Walking around in shorts and tshirt does something with your mood! Seasons of Love from RENT is a song that I find myself constantly listening to! One of the reasons is that I AM going to sing that extremly high tone in the end, one sweet day :) Hope u guys will be in such a good mood as I am today! :D 

Happy Easter!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Way too much DayDreaming!

I am a daydreamer! They say admitting it is the first step! You may think that daydreaming is not a disease, but I am living proof!

By using the internet I have found my dreamhouse and my dream honeymoon, girl-trip and moore! I just love planning a "fake" holiday to a nice and warm place! The only thing I hate about it is that I use time on this daydreaming :p Not much ofcourse, but some! I'm gonna share some of my fantasies with you guys!

Dream Home!
- To a price of a stunning 2 995 000 USD, I don't think I will be able to afford it in a near future :p But it is a DREAM home ;) I mean, who would not want to live in a house like this, located in Los Angeles

Dream Hotel!
- It seems just perfect, if I was rich! Living in luxury tents, and being "one" with the wilderness! 

Q: Do you have a dream - travel/hotel/home?

Nb: Perfect song to go with this post: Lupe Fiasco - Daydreaming ft. Jill Scott 

The "forgotten" stories!

Everyday a selected amount of topics are presented for us through the media. By us I mean the viewers. The news channels determines what topics/cases/stories we get to see. Unfortunatly too many topics that deserve to be on the news are not presented. What happens is that, WE forget these stories even though they are still there! I'm going to present a story that is forgotten by the media as often as I can..

Q: What stories do you think the media has "forgotten"?

Small prayer on a friday night!

Dear Lord, give me strength so I can:

  1. Get up from my medium comfortable chair
  2. Turn of my computer
  3. Remove ALL food in my presence

And start studying Anatomy!

Pursuit of Happiness

So this is my first post, at my new blog! Feeling the adrenaline pumping and the pressure of giving you guys an amasing first post! Currently I'm all about happiness! What's the key to happiness? 

I think that depends on what kind of personality you have! I know happiness for me is family and friends. Without a tons of friends around me, I'm not happy. Without my unique and strange family just a call away, I can't have a smile on my face! But what do you do when you move away from your friends and family? Thats my situation now! I'm currently living in Hungary (I'm from Norway) So my family and friends are hours! So how can I remain happy? I have no idea, yet! Thats the honest thruth! My biggest and boldest secret: I'm struggling to find happiness!

Happiness! Where are you, my old, but long gone friend?

NB: perfect song to go with this post! Kid Cudi- Pursuit of Happiness

Q: Have you ever been on a pursuit of happiness?

About Me

My photo
I'm 20 and currently studying in Hungary. My life evolves around friends, family, singing and studying! Me as an individual: stubborn, happy, friendly, social,crazy